Lisa Mauch MBA, Dip ACLM

Board Member

For the last two decades Lisa has acted as consultant to a variety of health and wellness institutions and professionals looking to make innovative concepts a reality through successful program design, development, and implementation of sustainable business models. Lisa currently works with Kaiser Permanente in Northern California where she serves as Director for Lifestyle Medicine targeting patients with Metabolic Syndrome, Pre Diabetes, Type II Diabetes, Cardiac Disease and Cancer.

Lisa is American College of Lifestyle Medicine Board Certified and supports multi-disciplinary teams of providers and their patients that are motivated to improve health and quality-of-life through sustained changes in lifestyle choices.  Lisa was awarded grant funding through the California Department of Public Health and worked in
collaboration with the California Cancer Registry to design and implement a clinical trial surrounding interventions for Breast Cancer survivors.

National Breast Cancer Assistance Access For All

ABCF makes access to breast health care and services easier for everyone. By eliminating barriers for screenings and increasing the availability of other medical resources, we are helping women and men detect breast cancer at its earliest stage. 

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